Monday, January 4, 2010

Resolved to change

2010 ~ Calls for new Resolutions!

I think there are always things you can do to improve on your life. I find it ironic that so many wait until a new year to express their wishes for change...yet, come the following year very few changes have been made (for a menagerie of reasons). I love talking to my girlfriends just after a new year to hear their resolutions. Every year, they swear anew to make the same age-old changes. I swear one year I am going to make a montage of their resolutions and then the following year, just play it for them. I swear it would save them time.

Me, on the other hand, I don't really have resolutions. I have goals, but they are on going. I think it is never the wrong time to re-evaluate your life, your relationship, etc...Initially it makes sense that people would re-evaluate their lives at the start of a new year, but...the NUMBER 1 resolution is to lose weight. Gym membership sales skyrocket and by March...attendance is back to normal!

So this year, I will be making some them what you will. This year is a bit different than last year. First we are closing out a very rough 2009. One that thoroughly disrupted our lives, yet, we came back from the brink and we are stronger for it. My Mother in law was recently given a terminal diagnosis with 6-12 months to live. This has been and will be extremely devastating to our family.

So, here is what I am thinking:

1. Help hubbie figure out what path he wants to take...or should I say...just support him as he figure out life.

2. Have another baby... well, this was the original plan. We were thinking around May, so we could have another March baby, but those plans might be thwarted depending on number 1.

3. Feel better about my body...I refuse to be the cliche that says I want to lose weight. I don't to per say lose weight, but more I want to be happy in my own skin. I will never have my pre-preggo body back. Things have just shifted and stretched! So, instead of wishing and hoping I am going to be proud of how far I have come since baby number 1. I mean I have lost all the preggo weight, but still not in shape. My tummy is squishy and I don't foresee a 6 pack ever in my life. That doesn't mean I should feel good about the body I have...

4. Find new and exciting ways to teach my son. I have come up with a general outline for what and how I will introduce things, so, stay tuned for these new ideas.

5. Find new homemade alternatives for our family. We are overtly conscious about the food we eat. We are those obnoxious people you see in the grocery store reading the labels on our food. I would guess 80% of the food we eat is organic. No matter what the food, it it has tons of preservatives or ingredients we cannot read, we will not purchase it. So, I there is not a lot of prepackaged foods in our home. This year, I am working on snacks. I am looking for homemade alternatives to prepackages snacks. I will share them as I find them!

6. Lastly (for now), I will continue to mainstream our expenses. It has gotten so expensive just to survive in the world today and although it looks like we will be back to a two income family again soon that doesn't mean our spending should adjust. I am still focused on lowering our cost of living to increase our retirement savings and decrease (and hopefully eliminate our debt). We have not contributed to our retirement fund since our son was born (wow, almost 2 years). So, my goal this year is to get that going again (now that we can afford it again) and to continue to pay off our outstanding debt. I want to be in the best financial position possible so if my hubbie wants to go back to school and/or baby #2 comes along we are able to roll with the punches.

So, that is it...those are my overall goals for this year. Things to adapt, change and transition. They will be in a state of constant flux, but we will see how it goes.

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