At least that is what my husband is saying! You see, in our small little house there is no room for a craft room or nook. So, instead, I have small card table that I house my sewing machines on when I am working and a few crates for all my fabric and remnants. Yet, the bar top is still covered currently with pattern pieced, stacks of finished diapers, cut pieces waiting to be sew, supplies, ect... I could go on, but I think you get the point!
AJ has learned rather quickly he is not allowed to touch mommies sewing table or any scissors. He is very respectful of that...although I know all those knobs on my machines must be rather tempting!
So, in regards to all those new are a few I have crafted recently. I would love to sew and sell at some point, but I am not there yet!
(Sorry for the side shots...I hate that the program automatically rotates to what IT thinks!)
This is a Darling Diaper Unlimited AIO.

These are a mix of covers and pockets! Most of these are Darling Diapers, a few Chloes Toes Side snapping covers and the blue one is a diaper kits pattern.

A close up of the Darling Diaper cover with FOE (Fold over Elastic)!

I will say my favorite new pattern is a the
Darling Diaper unlimited. It is very close to the Cloth Revolution pattern, but offers so many more options.
Some options include:
Method of sewing (serging, turned, turning and top stitching),
Choice of closures (snappi, Hook/loop, snap),
Placement of closure (front or side)
Sizing (NB-XL or OS),
Style (AIO or pocket)
Choice of rounded or square tabs.
I prefer square tabs because I find there are not only easier to sew, but also look nicer on the finished product. I also prefer snaps to hook and loop (Velcro). Although snaps do not give you quite as custom a fit, they do hold up better and to not damage any of the other cloth diapers during washing. I have ventured out to making a few one sized diapers...I love this concept, but I am not totally sold on them yet!
I find that the hardest part is figuring out what fabric to use where...especially when you are sewing on a budget. You will see that there are many diapers sew from flannel...many are re purposed flannel receiving blankets. Most of the cotton knit fabric is from Walmart and is $1-$2 per yard. I did splurge on some cute minky fabric while on sale last weekend at Joannes. I have yet to use it though. Figured I would save it until I was feeling 100% with the patterns and sizes. (Definitely not a trial fabric). I am all about keeping the costs down...I want to produce a quality diaper using the most cost effective products...esp. right now while I am at the beginning stages. I am going to start working on some up cycled fitted diapers from t-shirts. I can't wait to get started on those!